Summertime, summertime, sum-sum-summertime is best spent at locations that do the work for you. The Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk is potentially the king of such places!

Today we will take a deeper look at a summer spot near and dear to my heart. Growing up in New Jersey, visiting the boardwalk in the old Wildwoods was always a memorable excursion filled with family-friendly amusement piers.
Amusement Rides and attractions on Morey’s Piers, the massive Wildwood beach, fantastic ice cream & pizza, salt water taffy, and more are all within 1-hour from Atlantic City. Let’s dig into a magical wonderland with more going on than you can imagine!
Table of Contents
Wildwood History
For perspective, I’ll begin with a bit of personal Wildwood history. Growing up in Northern NJ, closer to New York City, Wildwood was the spot on the Jersey Shore that took a little more planning to get to. It was simply just a more extensive trip.
Waaaay down near the tip of that little nub of southern NJ, Wildwood was considered the big dog when speaking of the Jersey Shore beaches and boardwalks. It was almost too big from some perspectives, but they didn’t have me to guide them. There is a way to do this, so it’s not overwhelming, and today, I will tell you how.
I’m choosing to break this huge mega beach park into 3 sections identified by the associated piers in that section.
Morey’s Piers
When thinking of North Wildwood, the first thing that comes to mind is Morey’s Piers. That’s right, piers with an “s.”
With most of the shore towns in NJ claiming one or, at most, two seaside piers, The Morey brothers just kept on growing and now have three (really four) large piers stretching over Wildwood beach.
In 1969 The Morey brothers bought two little spots on the Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk where they placed a large fiberglass slide. You walk up to the top, get into a burlap sack and slide down to the bottom.
Charging guests $0.25 a slide made them enough capital to continue their expansion into what we see today.
Morey’s Piers continues to be owned and operated by the 2nd-generation Morey brothers and still maintain that personal family touch conveyed by their staff.
They’re super friendly… in that Jersey type of way.
A friendly tip:
- Being a matter of fact is considered endearing and respectful in NJ. Keeping that in mind will help immensely.
Morey’s Piers are an absolute must when heading to Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk, with over 50 years of being the headliner attraction on the headliner of Jersey shore towns.
Surfside Pier
Since the Morey brothers began their operation on the Surfside pier, I think it is only appropriate for us to do the same.
The northernmost pier, The Surfside Pier, has more than a few of the main points of interest for any Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk vacation.
I am mentioning that it’s on the north side of the boardwalk because it is more important here than on most other shore points. The Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk is a massive 2.5 miles long. For comparison, the world-famous Santa Cruz Boardwalk is 1 mile long.
The good news is that there is always more than enough to do in this pier area. Sticking to this section for the day is more fun, but it’s also paramount if keeping the family together is a goal of yours on a family vacation.
Roller Coasters
The Surfside Pier is home to three of the seven roller coasters in Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk.
The Great Nor’easter is the main coaster you will find here. A Vekoma Suspended Looping Coaster (SLC), the Great Nor’easter is an exciting ride that will attract any thrill-seeker directly to its location at the back of the pier.
It’s a beautiful mess of twisting white track weaving its way along the tip of the ocean waves.
Keep in mind that this one can be a bit rough on the neck, an SLC trait, so if someone has any neck or back issues, this might be one to skip.
The other two coasters on the Surfside Pier are much tamer but no less fun. The Doo Whopper and the Runaway Tram are considered fun for the whole family.
Roller coasters not your thing? How does an entire water park on the end of the pier sound?
Water Park
The Ocean Oasis Waterpark and Beach Club might be what the doctor ordered on a hot summer day. Numerous water slides, some that twist right through the Great Nor’easter roller coaster, add a unique respite from the rest of the boardwalk atmosphere.
The Surfside Pier has traditional kiddie spinners and midrange rides such as Kong, a Larson Flying Scooters ride that replaced a beloved ride of the same name from the 70s-90s on the EXACT SAME SPOT!
Dante’s Dungeon, a haunted house ride, Rock and Roll, and “IT” round out a collection of rides that will more than fit the bill for the ride lovers in the group.
- Bring a stroller! Keeping the length of the boardwalk in mind when planning your day, especially with small children, can be extremely valuable.
Remember, excitedly walking 2.5 miles one way means it’s a 2.5-mile trek back! Usually with far less enthusiasm on the way back.
Where to Eat
With the rides taking front billing, it might be easy to lose sight of another aspect of this section of the boardwalk. This happens to be where some of the more legendary Wildwood food can be found.
You will undoubtedly be inundated with food options as you walk around the boardwalk. It can all smear together and give you the idea that it’s all the same.
It’s not!
I will be able to help guide you through this mindset a bit to ensure you don’t leave this legendary food spot thinking, “What’s all the hubbub about?”
I recently held a poll on my Twitter in preparation for this blog to try and get a broader opinion of the must-try foods in Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk. Out of all the offerings that can be had, pizza still held the top spot, so let’s get right into what they are so excited about.
Right across the boardwalk from the Surfside pier is arguably the absolute best pizza in the whole town, Sam’s Pizza Palace.
There is a bit of turf war going on between the Wildwood pizza-loving faithful. It seems that two distinct camps are willing to come to blows in defense of their favorite pizza place on the boardwalk. Sam’s on one side, with Mack’s on the other.
The good news is that Mack’s is about 2 miles south on the boardwalk, so we can try both on separate days to come to our own conclusions!
In the spirit of complete transparency, I’m firmly entrenched on team Sam’s, even if I appreciate how Mack’s pie catches the eye with its trademark tomato sauce swirls.
Either way trying at least one is a must, and if it’s only one, Sam’s just so happens to be right here at the Surfside Pier! *wink, wink*
Fries and Lobster Rolls
The other legendary food in this area includes Curley’s Fries and Quincy’s Lobster Rolls.
Both are sitting right there at the entrance to the Surfside Pier and right across the boardwalk from Sam’s Pizza Palace. The whole family can get whatever boardwalk delight they are in the mood for, all within an eyeshot of one another.
Curley’s fries is so beloved, that they are adding a 3rd shipping container location close to the Adventure pier on Spencer avenue. If you miss your opportunity to grab some of the world famous fries while visiting the Surfside Pier, have no fear. The new location is waiting for you a bit further down the boardwalk.
The Surfside Pier is one of my favorite areas of Wildwood, but make no mistake, we are merely getting started!
Mariner’s Pier

Now we’re going to head on down the boardwalk to the center of it all. If not the center of it all figuratively, it is the center of it all literally! We’ll make it halfway down the boardwalk to the Mariner’s Pier area.
This will be an excellent time to let you in on a not-so-secret aspect of getting around successfully on the 2.5-mile Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk. Most people’s memories will vary in the details when thinking back on their vacation here, but 100% of them will include, “Watch the tram car please!”
If you’ve been, you already know, but assuming this is your first time, I’ll take a minute to let you in on what we’re talking about.
Having a boardwalk as long as this one must be accompanied by serious planning. How can we give the unsuspecting people who jump in with both feet a way out when they realize what they’ve gotten themselves into?
Tram Car
The solution was the famous tram car!
Think of the Disney World Magic Kingdom parking lot trams that get you to and from the park and your car. The same basic idea, except the Disney trams don’t have thousands of people walking in front of the tram every 10 seconds trying to get to the next ice cream stand.
In comes the pre-recorded message you will never eradicate from your brain “Watch the tram car please!”
You will hear this no less than a hundred times if you spend the weekend at Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk.
Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk has embraced its catchphrase to such an extent that the Wildwood staple inspired one of the Surfside Pier’s roller coasters I mentioned earlier. The Runaway Tram is the Morey brothers having a little fun with it all.
Taking the tram is one way to get around, but I’ve never liked it. Too much to see and do for me, and my day is usually well thought out.
But if your kids or legs have had it, you will be very grateful for the tram. It can be a lifesaver.
Wildwood Beach
I would also like to remind you that to find the next great thing to do at Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk during this entire trek, the Wildwood beach is directly alongside every step you take.
If at any time you feel like heading to see the Atlantic Ocean, it’s right there. The only issue is that the beach might take the most planning.
I will address this piece in the Tips section at the bottom of the article, so please make sure you read that before you think impulsively peeling off of the boardwalk for a “quick” dip in the sea is a good idea.
Mentioning the beach is essential, though. Not only is it setting the scene for the trip, but there are also things to be aware of on that side of the boardwalk.
Take the benches, for example. Just about every 4 ft, there is a bench to sit on.
And not your average bench. It’s the kind that gives you the choice of what view you’d like to enjoy while giving your feet a break.
Want to take in the ocean view? Just slide the backrest to one side.
Do you want people to watch or keep an eye on the poor soul you have waiting in line for you at the cheesesteak stand? Slide the backrest to the other side.
Done and done!
When you first look for one of the benches, you might think they are all occupied, and technically they are but be patient. Within a minute or two, one of the benches will clear.
This is amazingly consistent. It’s as if everyone knows the same imaginary time limit. You’ll get your bench. Trust me.
There is also a dog park on the beach in this area, so if you happen to have your little buddy with you for this trip, this could be a great option to give your puppy some playtime while you effectively turn your brain off for a bit.
Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk is very dog friendly, so this might be something to consider when planning your vacation. Maybe just take the dog instead of finding care?
Mariner’s Pier Tips
- So I gave you all of this information, but what about the beach? Isn’t that the reason the boardwalk is there in the first place? Well, sure. And it’s a beautiful beach, at that.
When I talk about the magnitude of the Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk, the beach is included in that statement. The walk from the boardwalk to the beach is probably 3-4x as long as you are used to if you’ve been beach hopping anywhere on the eastern seaboard.
It’s far from the ocean. So far, Wildwood is a scarce NJ beach town that does not charge $5-10 per day to go to the beach. Why? Because no one would pay $10 to walk that far, and they know it!
I’ve seen people carrying beach chairs, and coolers stop and turn back before. More than once too.
I’ve also seen people decide not to go to the beach because “I’m not doin’ that walk, man!”
So here’s the tip you need to know going in:
- Pack light and pack for the whole day. I know it sounds a bit like a paradox, but it’s about priorities. Decide what you NEED and make sure you have enough of it that you can make the 200-300 yard trek to the ocean waves worth it by hanging around a while.
One thing you do not want to happen is to realize you forgot something when you get to the water. Whoever forgot it is in trouble with the rest of the group. This is for sure!
I’ve seen rumors that Wildwood intends to allow people to drive and park on the beach, but I honestly do not know if that has happened just yet. Let’s be prepared to assume it hasn’t.
Mariner’s Pier is just about dead center of the Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk. It seems a bit more intense, compressed, and concentrated here too.
Even more of the boardwalk/carnival-style games include cheesesteak, sausage, and pepper grills, bigger arcades, and more rides. Plus two full-sized water parks!
I’ll start the Mariner Pier breakdown with the big dog- which is not a dog.
Roller Coasters
The Sea Serpent was the first “real” roller coaster on any boardwalk I remember seeing as a kid. This one looked different than the rest.
Oceanside Pier roller coasters are generally of a certain ilk. The track is a little thinner, and the cars are smaller.
This is because the coaster is placed on top of wooden boards held high above the beach or even the ocean in some instances. I have to imagine there are limits to what those boards can handle.
But the Sea Serpent wasn’t that. This one seemed like it should be at Six Flags. And it is.
This is a Vekoma Boomerang model coaster that happens to be the most cloned coaster model in the world. If you’ve been to an amusement park in this country, you’ve seen one of these.
Almost every big theme park has or had one at one time. Some, like Six Flags New England, even have two!
Mariner’s Pier’s headliner is placed right in the middle of the pier and is impossible to miss when walking toward or onto this pier.
We made it on this coaster again in 2021 for the Jersey Shore Coaster Tour, a charity event we held for the NJ South Hills Pet Rescue.
It was as good a ride as ever. Still smooth and still fun!
My kids loved it, and it was great for me to see their faces experiencing one of the coasters that frightened me so many years ago.
Mariner’s Pier’s roller-coaster supporting cast is a bit of a step down from the Sea Serpent, but they mesh well, adding to the well-rounded feel the Morey brothers focused on with their piers.
The Wild Wizzer and Rollies Coaster are boatloads of fun and should be considered must rides if coasters are on your list.
Seven or eight kiddie spinners accompanied by a swinging pirate ship ride and a giant ferris wheel fill out this pier nicely. Then you walk toward the ocean and realize yet another full-sized water park standing right there!
How do they do it? There is a second water park on the end of a pier in the same town!
Water Park
This attraction, the Raging Waters Water Park, is the largest in town and continues past the end of the pier onto the beach. Giant water slides, pools, and kid’s areas will keep you entertained for hours in the summer heat.
The best slide, from my perspective, is a pretty unique experience. The Sky Pond Journey takes you and your tube down a slide into an elevated pool you can float in for a while, down another slide into another high pool.
It does this two more times above a boardwalk, intermingled with other rides and slides all ABOVE THE OCEAN!
This water park, coupled with a caramel apple, could justify spending a day in Wildwood all on its own, but it won’t have to – there’s ANOTHER water park directly opposite the pier side of the boardwalk!
Splash Zone Water Park is not quite as big as Raging Waters, but in my experience, it is not quite as crowded, either.
Please understand me. They both get their fair share of the crowds on hot summer days, but Splash Zone seems just a touch slighter in this regard.
Splash Zone is also right around half the price of Raging Waters, so factor that in as well. See below for tips. There are also go-kart tracks located just across the street from Splash Zone. It could add to the day while in this area to head to the water park for the early slot, then follow up with some go-kart racing. Or flip it around if you’d like to cool off after the big race.
Water Park Tips
- You can get an early pass at Splash Zone- 10:00 AM-1:30 PM for $39.99, afternoon from 2pm-5:30pm for $44.99 or and an all-day pass for $49.99.
- Be sure to check the website for the days you’re planning to go to Splash Zone. Their pricing changes in accordance with expectations of the season. Weekends are pricier than weekdays as well.
- Raging Waters has a similar early pass for $26.99 and the a la carte all-day pass for $42.99.
To be fair and thorough, there are ways to make up some of the cost of Morey’s Raging Water water park, such as buying an all-day ride/water park combo pass. This will give you all-day access to all of the rides and both of Morey’s water parks.
I will also have a really cool tip for you concerning Morey’s water park admission for 2022. Really cool.
Where to Eat
If the sweet tooth is kicking in right after leaving the dog park, you will have two immediate choices staring you in the face. They’re very different in their offerings, but there is a significant choice to make here.
One is “It’s Sugar” and is a national chain of candy stores that are fine if you’re looking for a bag of Swedish fish or gummy worms, but then there is something else entirely.
The Fudge Factory is right here. I remember this place as a kid for one reason and one reason only: the candy apples!
They have all the fudge and chocolate-covered pretzels you could possibly want. Let me tell you about the candy apples now.
I don’t think I’ve ever been to the Jersey Shore as a kid without getting at least one. (My dentist loved my summers at the Jersey Shore.)
There’s the traditional red, hard & sticky candy apples, the chocolate, M&M, or marshmallow-covered apples, and then there are my favorite, caramel & chopped peanut-covered apples.
This is the best place on the boardwalk for delights in this genre. In my opinion, the fact that it’s been owned by the same family forever is good. I’m one who would choose this option over the chain store 7 days a week.
But, you wanna hear something funny?
There’s another little turf war going on down in the Wildwood food scene, and this one centers around the fudge shops.
I’m sure you gathered that I stand on Team Fudge Factory, but there is nothing wrong with the folks on the other side of this one who stands firm in front of Douglas Candies, which is merely a skip down the boardwalk toward Mariner Pier from the Fudge Factory.
Another mom and pop I recall from my childhood that still stands right where I remember it.
Oh, and remember Mack’s Pizza from the previous section? Well, that stands two doors down from Douglas! This is getting crazy!
Douglas Candies is sure to please as well, and you will not regret choosing either candy store.
With all this talk of great family-owned fudge shops, I feel guilty leaving this part of the boardwalk without throwing in an honorable mention to Laura’s Fudge.
If you’re standing with your face pressed against the Douglas Candies window, simply turn your head to the right and look for the bright pink sign taking over the corner of Ocean & Wildwood Ave!
Ice Cream
Speaking of all these sweets, I can segway into a good time to talk about ice cream! Well, technically not ice cream, but something even better that slips right into the ice cream craving compartment.
There are going to be plenty of ice cream shops you pass along the boardwalk, and most will be just fine. Some are a little better than others, but let’s stop playing games and talk about a Jersey Shore staple that actually originated from Coney Island in 1919.
Kohr Brothers
It’s very difficult for me to leave Wildwood without stopping by one of the two (now 3 with the new shipping container location near the Adventure Pier) Kohr Brothers frozen custard stands.
It looks like soft-serve ice cream and acts like soft-serve ice cream, many could easily confuse it for soft-serve ice cream, but it’s not soft-serve ice cream!
Back in 1919, three brothers who owned a dairy farm started tinkering around with a gas-powered ice cream machine. They tried a few recipes and thought they had something pretty unique for the time.
At the urging of their uncle Sylvester, they brought their idea to the Coney Island boardwalk and ended up selling over 18,000 cones on their first weekend. The only problem was it was melting too fast in the hot salty air, so they added eggs to the recipe, which would act to stiffen the mixture.
What came out of this was the silkiest, smoothest, and creamiest frozen custard in the world and the absolute best I have ever tried (and I try a lot specifically to see how it compares to my beloved Kohr’s.)
They have the regular staple flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, and vanilla-chocolate swirl. Flavors like cool mint, butter pecan, and butterscotch are some special flavors that only stick around for a little while at a time.
But the real gem of Kohr’s is their orange cream swirl. It’s like a creamsicle multiplied by the power of 10!
I’ve given people their first taste of Kohr’s dozens of times in my life, and while they are always delighted with it, I’ve witnessed people close their eyes and whisper, “Mmmmmmmmm” after their first taste!
It’s THAT good!
I would hope you can make it through the ice cream gauntlet that is the Wildwood boardwalk and give this place a go. There is one location that happens to be on the boardwalk directly between Splash Zone and the Mariner Pier!
Don’t forget the Jimmies! What is a Jimmie, you ask? It’s Kohr’s version of rainbow sprinkles, but they are thinner, longer, and just plain better.
I always order a large cone with rainbow jimmies with an extra cup of jimmies on the side. It’s kinda my thing.
Another Food Option
So we’ve talked about pizza, lobster rolls, candy apples, and jimmies, but I would be remiss if we left the mariner pier area without letting you in on another Wildwood local treasure.
As we walk southward to the final pier on our list today, we only have to travel for a minute before crossing paths with the Snow White diner. I must direct you to be very specific here.
It’s one of those places where it seems like they make everything in the world. Pizza, cheeseburgers, fried shrimp, all the things. The truth is, I wouldn’t order any of that at the Snow White.
They have become famous for the one thing they do well. That’s a roast beef sandwich and corn on the cob. If you’re into that, this is the place for you.
If you have a family with a wide array of desired dishes, I might just steer clear. The rest of the menu is filler, in my opinion, and I’ve heard varying reports.
I have never had less than a fantastic roast beef sandwich here. The corn on the cob is the perfect compliment to it. It’s worth a consideration if you’re looking for that unique fair traditional to the locals in town!
Adventure Pier
Arriving at the Adventure Pier, the southernmost pier on our list, you will be drawn to two things.
First is the tallest ride on the entire boardwalk, appropriately named the Skyscraper.
One of those huge spinning rides where two people sit in an exposed spinning seat on one end of the massive steel joists and two people on the other end. Then it spins around and around, going from 150 ft in the air, back to the ground numerous times… and then backward.
I’m not a fan. It’s not so much the spinning as the part where they unload the people from the other end while you sit at its highest point in a little chair.
I always wonder why it takes so long! This one’s just not for me, but the adrenaline junkie if the group will love it without question.
The second, and most important for a coaster enthusiast like myself, is the sprawling wooden roller coaster taking up almost the entire length of the pier.
The Great White
The Great White is technically not a “woodie,” though. It is what’s called a hybrid coaster. That means that the supports are all steel instead of the traditional wood beams you usually see on wooden coasters while still having that wooden coaster track base for the traditional woodie feel.
This is cheaper, quicker to build, and can help save the wood from deteriorating in the salty air.
The Great White is just about as unique a roller coaster as you will find anywhere. The fact that it’s on the Wildwood pier drives that point home as no other coaster can.
Try this on for size. When you leave the station, you roll right underneath the boardwalk inside a tunnel! Nice start, huh?
Then it goes on like a regular coaster, but about halfway through, it leaves the pier and takes you racing on a track on the beach! Yep, spilling over the end of the pier and onto the sand of the beach!
I can’t think of too many (none actually) that do the same thing. It’s a very fun ride, and the location details really add so much to the overall experience.
The Adventure Pier has its name because they’ve chosen to cram all the crazy rides in one place- right on this pier.
In addition to the lunatic laden Skyscraper and the non-conforming wooden roller coaster, there is the sky coaster.
Sky Coaster
Come on. You know the sky coaster.
That’s the one where they strap you and a friend or two horizontally into this contraption, attach a rope to your backs, bring you backward, let’s say 200ft in the air, then give you the pull cord to yank, which will drop you flying down and forward (did I mention you’re lying down?), so you can “coast” back and forth like a crazy person!
Can you imagine the gumption it takes to actually pull that cord? They’d have to lower me back down. I really don’t know if I could do it.
For all the roller coasters I’ve been on, the Sky Coaster scares the living daylights out of me over here.
This is just about the tippy top of the Adventure mountain we’ll be climbing while on the Wildwood boardwalk.
Would you like to take a guess where the fastest go-karts in Wildwood are?
The Adventure Pier.
They’re not your normal go-karts either. The track is laid right underneath the Great White coaster, so you get to bob and weave your kart all around and within the coaster supports.
In a similar way as the coaster heading out over the beach, it’s the surroundings that really amp up this attraction. What a cool idea they had with that one.
Don’t Miss These Stops
I won’t have to go into too much detail for the next piece of intel here, but Mack’s pizza has a second location right next to the Adventure Pier, so if you’ve figured out you’re on Team Mack’s in the great Wildwood Pizza wars, you can double down without having to leave the Adventure Pier area. Just hop on over to Mack’s. It’s right there.
And if you’ve already eaten all the fudge and candy apples you bought from the Fudge Factory, you could forgo the tram car trip back up to the Mariner Pier and make a stop by another Wildwood landmark, The Original Fudge Kitchen.
Adventure Pier Ticket Tips
- Wildwood has numerous options for purchasing tickets for the rides. You can go old school and just buy them when you arrive, but this is the most expensive way to do it. Planners save more than time!
- Rides generally cost between 3-10 tickets per.
- It will save both time and money buying the ticket cards on the website. There are different amounts you can purchase. My rule of thumb is assuming we are going to want more rides than we buy tickets for. I always splurge and get the big one.
Ticket Prices
The 75 ticket card is currently $92; 150 +10 bonus tix is $170.31 and 280 + 20 bonus tix is $243.96.
If you don’t use all of your tickets in one day, you will have them the next day. They never expire. So once again, it’s about the planning. Really try to identify what it is you think your group will need. They have options to match!
2023 Pass Options
So now that you know how much tickets really cost at Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk, my REAL tip is going to make a lot more sense if you use my previously stated rule of thumb.
All Day Flex Wristband
You can buy wristbands, which will give you all-day access to the rides AND the waterparks. Each all-day Flex wristband will cost $114.00, is unlimited, and lasts all day.
Sure it’s a lot for a family of 4, but you can crush that whole place (utilizing the tram car, of course) in one day with unlimited access.
The plus is you get everything. The negative is tomorrow you have to start over without tickets.
All Year Wild Pass
Wild Pass ($425.00)- This one gives you unlimited access to the pier’s rides and water parks for the entire season.
Keep in mind, there is a one wristband per day limit per person.
Senior Pass
The Senior Wild Pass will run you $100.00
4 Day Wild Pass
4 day Wild Pass ($210.00) – This pass gives you four visits during the 2023 season to either the water parks or the piers. You can choose one of the piers or a water park each day but you can choose to experience the opposite the next time you visit.
Wild Water Park Pass
Wild Water Park Pass( $265.00)- If water parks are your thing, this one is the pass for you. Visit the Wildwood water parks each day of the season.
In the end you have to decide what your summer plans are when buying your tickets and make the right choice from there.
You can check out (and buy) all ticket price options for 2023 on their site as well.
Places to Stay in Wildwood
I’m certain you won’t be surprised to learn that the first-ever motel in Wildwood was built by the Morey brothers. Those fellas just weren’t messing around, were they?
While Wildwood has hundreds of options for lodging, there are a couple of things I can tell you. The lodging will range from the grimy to the regal and contains everything in between.
One thing I’ve learned is to plan as early as you can. This is standard for most vacation scenarios, but even more so at congested locations like the Jersey Shore.
I can tell you I’ve stayed in no less than 8-10 different motel/hotels in this area over the years. Respecting the size of this place is paramount.
I stayed at the Sea Gull Motel for the first time as a teenager in Wildwood. It is located at the end of the boardwalk on the southern side. This was the weekend I gained my full appreciation for the magnitude of Wildwood!
I recommend trying to stay as close to the center as possible. There is a pretty solid place I stayed one time, the Heart Of Wildwood Hotel. This hotel was right in the middle of it all and right on the boardwalk.
The downside to this is that it can be noisy. The truth? The closer you are, the louder it gets. The further you are, the more peaceful (or boring, depending on what you’re looking for.)
There’s also the Boardwalk Hammock Inn and Suites on the Northern side, which was a nice stay, as well.
If you’re looking for that quiet style of Wildwood trip, you may just want to look into Wildwood Crest. That is just south of Wildwood proper and will give you everything; sandy beaches as well as plenty of restaurants. It’s gorgeous down on that end.
There are plenty of clean hotels down that way. Of course, you can easily drive up to Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk and Morey’s Piers. If you do, you may be dealing with parking prices and difficulties. Uber or Lyft would be something to consider.
One thing is for sure. There is no shortage of great things to do, see, and eat while on the Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk. But it can be extremely overwhelming without planning.
I’ve given you some sure-fire ways to navigate through much of the madness of such a popular beach attraction. Remember though, there is always more to discover. Grab an ice cream cone and people watch for hours or even play a round of mini-golf near the piers. The Wildwood New Jersey Boardwalk is one of the true gems on the Atlantic coast of our great country.
I hope this article helps you create lasting memories for yourself and your family. If you approach even a touch of what I have found here, you will be very happy you came!
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