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Fun And Simple RV Remodel Ideas For Your 5th Wheel

We got a 2020 Keystone Montana High Country 335BH from Camping World. Then gave ourselves about 2 1/2 weeks to remodel it and make it feel more like home. Below we share our fun and simple RV remodel ideas.

5th Wheel Remodel

At this point we had been living in an RV for over 6 years so we had some good ideas what we wanted in the RV!

Since the RV was brand new we didn’t want to do a ton of work on it but instead just do more surface work to make it look like ours and not an RV on the lot.

Our RV’s are our homes on wheels since we travel full time so it is important to us that we take the time to make it feel like our own and not have the RV feel.

Remodeling your RV can take months and months or you can keep it pretty simple and straightforward.

We tried to keep ours minimal so it could fit in a 2 1/2-week time frame. This was with both Craig and I working on it every single day.

When we did our last travel trailer remodel we did it in less than 2 weeks so we knew we could do it.

Video tour of the finished RV:

Now into the details of what we did and what products we used:

Living Room:

Living Room RV Remodel Ideas


We removed the couch that was there. It fit out right through the door. It was a nice couch with reclining seats but just wouldn’t work for a family of 6. We usually find that RV furniture isn’t really selected with kids or families in mind.

We went with a less expensive futon couch option from Amazon. Craig found one we like better from Urban Outfitters but it was out of stock – so we may be upgrading to that this fall. **UPDATE – we did upgrade. This one from Amazon did not last long and is no longer available (wonder why :)).

We have been much happier with the couch we got from Urban Outfitters: Brenna Convertible Sofa. That doesn’t look like it is available anymore either.

Here is another option that may work:

Opoiar Futon Couch,Convertible Futon Sofa Bed,Memory Foam Sleeper Sofa,Adjustable Modern…
  • 【ADJUSTABLE DESIGN】:The backrest of the futon sofa bed has three convertible angles…
  • 【MULTI-PURPOSE】: This convertible sofa bed is small in size and versatile in design, perfect…

Going with a futon gives more sleeping space for our kids and also an option for when they have sleepovers.

I was OK with this couch. It is comfortable enough and the futon part works well. However it seems kind of small in the space??

Side Table

It is so hard to find a table that will fit in these little spots in the RV. I was so excited when I came across an Etsy shop that made custom sized tables!

I measured where everyone was going to go in the slide-out and then set our measurements.

They built and sent back an unstained table. Craig had the stain from around the slide-out so he stained it to match! Perfect! I really like this table!

Check out the site here: Wood Barn USA

Bamboo Shades

Our friend at https://www.instagram.com/this.sacred.space/ shared a picture of her living room with me and recommended bamboo shades. I was sold!

We ordered these off of Amazon and took down the shades and valances that were here.

Craig did have to cut the bottoms off – as they were for a 72 inch window. But he was pretty easily able to do that and re-glue the bottom piece on.


I kept trying and trying on Amazon to find what I wanted but no go. So instead I checked out World Market and found the White Jute Striped Sahaj Tab Top Curtains. They are no longer available but I love World Market and what they have so I recommend you look there.

They were exactly what I was looking for.

At first I thought I needed to ordered 4 so they were going to be pricey and then at the last minute I realized they come in packs of 2 so I only needed 2. That made the price way better.

When we got them they were a little too long but I just took the scissors and cut the bottom. So if you are ever in our rig don’t look too close :).

We removed the valances that you see on every RV window and ordered a long curtain rod to put up. Then hung the curtains.

Rod Desyne 4802-997 Ornament Window Curtain Rod Set, 120 to 170-Inch, Cocoa
  • This Ornament curtain rod includes 3 piece 120-170 inch adjustable rod, two finials, four brackets…
  • Rod diameter 13/16 inch; Each finial size W 2-7/8 inch, H 2-1/2 inch, D 2-1/2 inch


We went back and forth on keeping the table that was in the RV but ended up opting to make our own table. The one we had was a little too big for the space so by making one we had the ability to set the size.

We had gotten butcher block wood from Menards (a hardware store) to make a desk in the bedroom so used that to make the table. Craig then ordered table legs from Amazon and stained the wood and put it all together.

QLLY 28 inch Adjustable Metal Desk Legs, Office Table Furniture Leg Set, Set of 4 (Black)
  • Size – Height:28 inches/71.1cm (with mounting plate), screw mechanism on the bottom can adjust about…
  • Package – 4 x Furniture Leg, 20 x Screws, 4 x Mounting Plates.

It isn’t super sturdy right now . . . so we will have to figure that out but for now it works.


Instead of regular chairs, we went with these circle green velvet ottomans. I loved the way they looked plus there is inside storage! Win, win! Space-saving things like this are always good for your RV interior!

Homepop Home Decor | Upholstered Round Velvet Tufted Foot Rest Ottoman | Ottoman with Storage for…
  • OTTOMAN WITH STORAGE: Our Velvet Tufted Ottoman is a small and stylish storage solution for…
  • ROUND OTTOMAN STOOL: Created with a soft and durable velvet, our classic Foot Rest Ottoman features…


For the other side, I wanted to do a storage bench so that we could have storage in bins underneath for art supplies and games. This one is a bit on the smaller side but it is what we needed to fit back there so we could still access the plug. I picked up some baskets at Menards that fit in the cubbies.

Ameriwood Home Penelope Entryway Storage Bench with Cushion, Espresso 17.68 in. high x 35.91 in….
  • Reinvent the entryway or mudroom with the versatile Ameriwood Home Penelope Entryway Storage Bench…
  • Use the 3 cubbies to organize shoes, blankets and bags


I am giving RV plants a go . . . we will see if I can do this.

All of the plants are in Macrame holders from Amazon. I ordered 2 sets since one set was really long and I wanted a shorter one for the corner by the table.

Mkono Macrame Plant Hangers Set of 4 Indoor Hanging Planter Basket Wall Decorative Flower Pot…
  • STYLISH AND UNIQUE – The modern, vintage-inspired plant hanger adds the perfect touch to your room…
  • DISTINCTIVE CRAFT – Handmade by our talented artisans, this plant holder is made of cotton cord….

Some are just in the pots they came in – others I put into a pot I bought at the store. I purchased all of these from Equinox – a local plant store in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

These are the sticky hooks we put on the ceiling to hang them: JINSHUNFA Wall Hooks

JINSHUNFA Wall Hooks 13lb(Max) Transparent Seamless Coat Hooks,Waterproof and Oilproof,Bathroom…
  • UTILITY HOOKS:Transparent design seamlessly blends with diverse home decor styles.Highly practical…
  • HEAVY DUTY&VERSATILITY:These wall hooks are the heavy duty solution for all your hooking needs. Use…

Plant by the table: Burros Tail

This one seems really fragile . . . so we will see what happens. But it looks so cool!

**Update – it didn’t make it. Probably on me? Or else not good with travel and weather changes.

Plant by the couch/end table: Fishhooks

I love how this one hangs down!

**Update – it didn’t make it. Probably on me? Or else not good with travel and weather changes.

Plants in the corner by the TV: Spider Plant on top and Nerve Plant on the bottom.

**Update – spider plant didn’t make it. Probably on me? Or else not good with travel and weather changes. Nerve plant is doing well!


We had these throw pillows from our other RV. I got them from H&M over a year ago and the Lion one from IKEA.


Love how soft and cozy this blanket is! Got it from Amazon.

Chanasya Premium Solid Faux Long Fur Throw Blanket – Soft, Fuzzy Throw Blanket – for Bed or Couch -…
  • Elegant, Fuzzy Throw Blanket: This faux fur throw blanket (60″ x 70″) is perfect for snuggling on a…
  • Add Class with Plush Throw Blanket: Turn any room into a stylish space with this throw blanket’s…


I bought a couple of bookends to hold these books up and in place on the table.

Book Ends, Bookends, Book Ends for Shelves, Bookends for Shelves, Bookend, Book Ends for Heavy…
  • 📚HEAVY-DUTY METAL BOOKENDS📚: The piece size of the bookend is 4.7 x3.6 x7.0 inch…
  • 📚ANTI-SLIP FOAM PAD DESIGN📚: With 4 anti-slip foam pads on the bottom of each book ends…


Craig painted it a white color we got from Sherwin Williams and brought to Menards to save money on the paint – it was called Alabaster in semi gloss.

Gamer Sign:

We got this sign to put up on Cannon and Knox’s door.

Kubik Letters Game Room Sign – Game Room Decor – Gaming Room Decor – Gamer Room Decor – Video Game…
  • DO NOT DISTURB SIGN FOR GAMERS – Either you’re playing video games, sleeping, studying, recording,…
  • A MUST HAVE ITEM AFTER PURCHASING A NEW CONSOLE – What other thing do you need after buying a new…

Birch Wallpaper

We used this wallpaper a few RVs ago and really liked it so used it again!

NuWallpaper NU1694 Mountain Birch Peel & Stick Wallpaper, Grey
  • Chic birch tree design
  • Peel and stick to apply, pull up to remove


We went back and forth on getting a bean bag for this spot but decided on the ottoman since you can store blankets inside of it. The kids still ask for the bean bag . . .

Homebeez 28 Inch Velvet Round Storage Ottoman, Button Tufted Footrest Stool Bench Coffee Table for…
  • DURABLE PREMIUM FAUX FUR :Use high-grade faux fur, bring a luxurious look to your living room.50mm…
  • QUALITY CONSTRUCTION: Made of reliable medium density fiberboard (MDF) and wood frame divider gives…

Air Purifiers

We added 4 of these in the RV. One in our room, one in the back room, one in the loft and one in the living room.

BLUEAIR Bedroom Air Purifier, Small Room Air Cleaner Dust Pet Dander Smoke Pollen Allergen, Odor…
  • SIMPLE ONE-BUTTON CONTROL: Easily adjust fan as-needed with one button to ensure optimal air…
  • CLEAN AIR IN MINUTES: Blueair’s HEPASilent technology, delivers clean air, faster, and much more…

RV Kitchen Setup

RV Remodel Idea Kitchen

Here is what we did in the RV kitchen to add a touch of home!

Wall Mounted Baskets

I originally got these hangers for the water bottles but then the set came with 3 baskets so it worked out well when we needed extra space for some fruit and veggies. Craig did have to add extra wood in the island behind the shelves where he screwed them in.

Wall35 Kansas Wall Mounted Metal Wire Baskets for Kitchen Organization and Storage, Varying Sizes…
  • Decorative Storage Unit: Wall35 wire basket set will be one of your favorite kitchen pantry…
  • Practical Design: If you do not want to hang this storage basket unit on your wall, just put them…

Wall Color

This is another color from Sherwin Williams that we brought to Menards and they matched it. Pewter Green – in semi gloss.

Craig painted this right on the wall no prep just painted. It took 2 coats. You can also paint the cabinets to update your space.

Wallpaper – Backsplash

We went back and forth on our wallpaper choice for the backsplash but then ended up going with these tiles and I love them!

They are peel and stick so they were easy to put up. If they don’t stay sticking I will add some adhesive spray to them.

**Update – these are not staying well at all . . . I think it gets too hot behind the stove since the wallpaper borders the stove.

Bleucoin Positano Peel and Stick Tile Stickers for Kitchen Bathroom Backsplash Water-Resistant…
  • PREMIUM QUALITY Self-Adhesive Laminated Vinyl with UV Protective HD Print with 7+ Years Life
  • ECO FRIENDLY PVC MATERIAL WITH PREMIUM LAMINATION – Self-Adhesive, Easy to Install, Just Peel &…

Berkey Water Filter

Always have our Berkey! The travel size fits perfectly here since we can still open the cabinet door.

RV Living Space

Highland Cow

I kept seeing these Highland Cow pictures and I just love them! Ordered this one from Amazon. Command strips for the win on hanging this one!

LP ART Canvas Print Wall Art Black and White Freedom Highland Cow Pictures Painting for Living Room…
  • Painting Size: 16H x 20W/inches (40cmx50cm)
  • stretched and framed colorful canvas paintings wall art prints ready to hang for home decorations…

Pantry Sticker

Added this pantry sticker to the door. Just in case you didn’t know it was a pantry.

Pantry Vinyl Wall Decal Door Decals Wall Decor Home Decor Kitchen Decor Wall Art Quotes Letters for…
  • Delzam Brand means Highest Quality Vinyl Wall Decals guaranteed!!
  • Waterproof, Durable, Removable self-adhesive vinyl. It’s perfect for room decor farmhouse decor…


This is a Young Living diffuser that I got for signing up for the Young Living Starter Kit. It is pretty awesome!


A succulent plant that doesn’t like sun or water – perfect. Hopefully, I can keep this one alive.

**Update – the plant didn’t make it. I just can’t keep succulent plants alive!

Letter Sign

Just so I can stay trendy :). Ha! But really I like these and my goal is to change the saying every day for the kids to read!

Felt Letter Board with Letters Numbers Pre Cut 10×10 Inch, First Day Of School Board Classroom…
  • RUSTIC DECOR – Our 10×10 inch felt letter board with letters and numbers has a distressed wood…
  • VERSATILE DISPLAY OPTIONS- Letter board baby announcement includes durable metal wall hook &…


The Leaves candle is out at Bath and Body Works! Craig and I love this one. We always light it at night when we are getting the kids to sleep.

Moscow Mule Cup Holder

Bought a cup holder thing and put my Moscow Mule cups on it. Thought it was fun to add a touch of color here!

Wallniture Cucina 16″ Wall Mount Kitchen Organization and Storage Rail with 10 S Hooks for Hanging…
  • Sturdy Farmhouse Design: This 16 inches rust proof kitchen storage rail is outstanding with its…
  • Gourmet Kitchen: Hang your kitchen accessories, measuring cups, silicone spatulas, cookware set,…

Essential Oils Holder

An easy place to put the oils and leave them when we are traveling.

Decorative Suitcase

Where all the iPads and phones go when the kids are done with them for the day. Picked this one up at Hobby Lobby.

Slide-out Trim

We knew we wanted to add in some wood to make it feel more like a house. Both Craig and I love the way these turned out.

We started with cedar wood and didn’t like the look so changed to pine.

The stain is Early American.

Craig ripped down the old ones and the measured, cut, stained and nailed in these new ones. They look great! He did an awesome job!

Leopard Print Rug

I searched high and low for this and ended up with this one. I wasn’t sure I liked how much cream was in it but when we put it down it worked! It is getting dirty pretty quickly though. . .

Here is a link to where we bought it.


That big white thing under the counter is a dehumidifier. And yes we did need one this big when we were in the southern states and the size of the rig.

RV Remodel Ideas for the Living Space

We are so happy with how our main living space turned out! We will be sharing more on our RV bathrooms, the kids room, the loft area and our room soon! Renovation RV continues with more RV upgrades.

Kids Room

RV Remodel-Gaming Room

This was a must in the rig. The boys wanted somewhere to setup their gaming things. So here it is!

Also note if you are looking at this rig that the back bunks are short. Only 63 inches long.

Gaming posters:

I got the posters here. And then got frames at Hobby Lobby. We put them up with command strips. They just fit!

Damdekoli Gaming Posters – Color (11 x 17 Inches – Poster)
  • SHOW IT OFF – This set of gaming posters are for gamers who want to display retro game wall decor….
  • VIDEO GAMES – Hang these retro game poster up in your arcade, man cave, bedroom, or anywhere else…

Stickers For Slide-out Wall

TOARTi Video Gamer Wall Sticker,(Black) Vinyl Game Controllers Decal Gaming Quote Joysticks Wall Art…
  • ✽Premium Quality Artwork – Our exquisite self-adhesive, environmental ,non-toxic vinyl stickers…
  • ✽Widely Used In Any Scenes– Gaming wall art perfect for bedroom, living room, Gym, hallway,…


Measured so each one fits in its spot. They also both fold down to put away on travel days.

SOFSYS Modern Folding Desk for Small Space, Computer Gaming, Writing, Student and Home Office…
  • Multipurpose Desk – A versatile, space-saving design that offers style and functionality this…
  • Strong, Foldable Metal Frame – The smart pop-up style of our modern desk makes it ideal for saving…
4NM 31.5″ Small Desk No-Assembly Folding Computer Desk Home Office Desk Study Writing Table for…
  • Let 4NM furniture become the ideal furniture for decoration of your home or workplace!

Folding Chairs

Amazon Basics Foldable Portable Sturdy Folding Plastic Chair, 350-Pound Capacity, Black, 2-Pack
  • Pack of 2 molded plastic and metal folding chairs for extra seating at parties, events, and more
  • Foldable design with carry handle for easy transport and storage; multi-purpose versatility offers…

Gaming Remote Holders

YYST Universal Game Controller Organizer Wall Rack Wall Mount Wall Clip Wall Hanger for Xbox One PS4…
  • 1. 4 bendable hangers,4 R-rings and 4 screws. Game controller only for display, not included. Color…
  • 2. NO Falling – The rack holds the controller securely. No falling if anything bumps the wall….


Kids Loft Area

Picture of loft area

Carson and Melia are up in the loft area. Originally it had 3 small RV mattresses. We took those out and replaced it with  2 foam mattresses and put a shelf in the middle to divide the space. Craig bought another white piece of thin wood to put in-between them so it separated it all the way to the top.

The kids were able to pick out their own curtains – once we took the valances down.  We just used cheap curtain rods that wrap around from Walmart. I did have to cut the curtain length to fit. The middle shelf was from our local hardware store.

Note the loft area is around 68 inches long. Our older son is starting to outgrow it . . . It is a good idea to make sure to measure your kids and the sleeping areas!

Foam Mattresses

We use these on the kids loft floor for their beds and also in the back bedroom on top of the RV mattresses on the bunks.

Pure Green Natural Latex Mattress Topper – Soft – 3 Inch – Queen Size (GOLS Certified Organic)
  • Soft – Great for Adding Softness to the Surface of a Mattress
  • Adjusts to Your Body Instantly – Latex Foam Naturally Stays Cool

RV Bedroom

RV Bedroom

Cheetah Print Wallpaper

RoomMates RMK10700WP Metallic Gold Leopard Peel and Stick Wallpaper, 20.5″ x 16.5 feet
  • Made in the USA
  • Peel and stick to apply – no water, no paste, no mess!


We took out the original dresser and bought new dressers and then Craig took a piece of butcher block (yes it is heavy . . .) and stained it to put it on top.

Side table/Dresser for under the desk

Craig did have to cut some of the back of the desk out to make it fit. He was able to do that without messing with the drawers so the drawers still open and close.

Prepac Sonoma Traditional Tall Nightstand Side Table with 3 Drawers, Functional Tall 3-Drawer Bedside Table 16″ D x 23″ W x 29″ H, Black, BDC-2403
  • Detailed with curved Top edges, an arched base panel and detailed brushed nickel Knobs
  • Drawers run smoothly on metal Glides with built-in safety stops; Sturdy, solid pine wood drawer…


This one came with us from our other rig. I love it!!

YOU SA Bohemia Retro Printing Bedding Ethnic Vintage Floral Duvet Cover Boho Bedding 100% Brushed…
  • King-3Pcs :1*Duvet Cover 106”*92”, 2*Pillow Shams 20”*36”
  • 100% brushed cotton, super soft and comfortable, designed to help you get a better nights sleep and…


Here is the projector we use behind our bed. We can also take it off and take it outside for outside movies!

NEBULA by Anker Mars II Pro 500 ANSI Lumen Portable Projector, Native 720P, 40-100 Inch Image TV…
  • Stream with Ease: Enjoy the latest shows on Netflix with built-in WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity on…
  • Crystal-Clear in Low Light: Experience a bright 500-ANSI-lumen display powered by DLP IntelliBright…

Hanging Screen

This hanging screen works great and we can leave it inside or take it off the hooks and bring it outside.

Amazon Basics 16:9 Pull Down Projector Screen – 80 Inch, White
  • 80 inch, 16:9 pull-down projector screen ideal for indoor movies, video games, work presentations,…
  • Easily mount to the wall or suspend from the ceiling with provided hardware

Hooks we use to hang it. Craig screwed this into the wall.

WALI Universal Projector Screen Ceiling Mount, Wall Hanging Mount L-Brackets, 6 inch Adjustable…
  • Application: Fits most manual or spectrum projector screen on the market. Support maximum loading…
  • Quality: Made by high-quality steel 6 inches L-shape bracket will successfully hold your screen and…

What it looks like with the projector on:

Projector screen down in the bedroom

Essential Oil Diffuser And Stand

This is a setup with a stand – with storage places for oils and a diffuser on top of it. Here is the stand:

TJ.MOREE Bamboo Diffuser Holder Carousel- 2 Tier Height Increase Rack with Upper Tray for Holding…
  • Essential oil storage holder and diffuser holder. Not only for storing essential oils, but also a…
  • Rotary tray design, easy to turn to your favor scent. Storing up to 11 most frequently use essential…

And here is the diffuser:

Diffusers for Essential Oils, Ultrasonic Cool Mist 600ml Essential Oil Diffuser for Large Room, Iron…
  • Unique and Durable Metal Oil Diffuser: Arviddson 600ml essential oil diffuser is made with metal and…
  • Ultrasonice and Whisper-quiet Operation: This is the best and most effective diffusers, using…

Outside Screen and Projector Setup

Outside Screen and projector setup

The projector that we use outside:

NEBULA by Anker Mars II Pro 500 ANSI Lumen Portable Projector, Native 720P, 40-100 Inch Image TV…
  • Stream with Ease: Enjoy the latest shows on Netflix with built-in WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity on…
  • Crystal-Clear in Low Light: Experience a bright 500-ANSI-lumen display powered by DLP IntelliBright…

We usually put it on our camera tripod or setup a table and put it on there.

The screen that we use outside:

Amazon Basics 16:9 Pull Down Projector Screen – 80 Inch, White
  • 80 inch, 16:9 pull-down projector screen ideal for indoor movies, video games, work presentations,…
  • Easily mount to the wall or suspend from the ceiling with provided hardware

Hooks we use to attach the screen to the side of the RV:

LUXEAR Suction Cup Hooks – 6 Pack Suction Hooks Reusable Powerful Waterproof Wreath Hangers – Heavy…
  • 【NOTE】We offer 2 years free replace service and life-time technical support for LUXEAR suction…
  • 【POWERFUL & HEAVY DUTY SUCTION HOOKS】— These suction hooks can hold a maximum weight of 3kg (…

When we first got on the road we had a Class A Motorhome that we remodeled to fit a family of 6.

You can go crazy with camper remodeling or you can keep it simple and make a few updates to make it feel more like home. We RV full-time to be on the road traveling so we knew we wanted to keep our camper renovation simple and didn’t want to change any interior walls or get into changing any light fixtures or more major things.

Instead we kept to things that were pretty easy to install, created a few accent walls (ok more than a few :)) with peel and stick wallpaper. We also weren’t super budget friendly with this project . . . we basically just bought what we wanted. But if you plan to do an RV renovate project you can definitely figure out places to safe money if you want to. We hope that these 5th wheel remodel ideas will help you plan and come up with RV renovation ideas of your own.

We really enjoyed this whole process and we are very happy with how it turned out!

Check out more of our posts:

9 Best RV TV Mounts

RV Living – 68 Things You Will Want To Know [Free eBook]

Keystone Montana – 7 Owners Share What They Love About It

Utah Road Trip: All 5 Utah National Parks & More [Map Included]

The Ultimate Florida Road Trip: 31 Places Not To Miss

21 RV Apps That Are Super Helpful For Your RV Trip

40+ Helpful Tips For Planning An RV Trip

RV Checklist To Make Your Trip A Success

And our Podcast – all about Full Time RV Travel!

Pin This Post For Later:

RV remodel ideas for your 5th wheel that can be done in less then 3 weeks! Come see the fun and simple things we did to it to make it feel like home and not like an RV!
RV remodel ideas for your 5th wheel that can be done in less then 3 weeks! Come see the fun and simple things we did to it to make it feel like home and not like an RV!

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