Roller Coaster Ride

To date this journey has been one roller coaster ride! The excitement around pursuing this amazing life has been crazy and fun and so exciting! Then on the other hand there have been lot’s of hard and emotional times. Don’t we all just wish we could go back to that pure bliss of excitement you …

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August 30th thru September 6th

Our week. We started the weekend off by celebrating Carson’s Birthday. One of the kids concerns when we left the house was how we were going to celebrate their birthdays. They were use to having huge birthday parties at our house so they weren’t sure how it was now going to work. We did Carson’s …

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Rainy Days in an RV

Rainy days in an RV can be interesting to say the least! The amount of space we have is limited and everyone likes to be close to me and each other – so it isn’t like people disappear to their bed to read a book or watch a movie by themselves yet (I know the …

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RV Laundry

Laundry, Laundry, Laundry . . . the never-ending task! With 6 people in the family we have a decent amount of laundry. At the house I had a really nice front loading washer and dryer. But it never felt like I could get caught up on the laundry! In the RV I have a mini Front Loading …

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Waterfalls at Tahquamenon Falls!

I could not wait to visit the waterfalls at Tahquamenon Falls!! There is something about waterfalls that intrigues me. I always thought it would be awesome to swim in a crystal clear pool of water with a waterfall behind you – that you could swim under and behind. I never thought that Michigan would have …

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Mackinac Island and Saint Ignace, Michigan

Our next stop was Saint Ignace! Our plan was to stay here and then take the Ferry to Mackinac Island! We had to cross the bridge to get there and that was a scary experience! It felt like we were going to fall off the edge but we made it! And the bridge is really …

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Sleeping Bear Dunes in Michigan

Climbing up and Running down Sleeping Bear Dunes! If you are going to be going to Michigan you need to see the Sleeping Bear Dunes. They are amazing! Granted we only made it up the first 2 hills but I can only imagine what the rest of it looked like! I would love to return …

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Boondocking at Walmart

We left for Michigan on a Friday – after Craig got home from work. We planned on boondocking at a Walmart for Friday night. No Walmart is not a brushy area – but you get the idea! It actually works out really great! Almost all Walmart’s offer this service and all you have to do is …

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Unschooling – Socialization

Socialization . . . where to begin 🙂 Yes we were concerned when we first started talking about homeschooling and now were not. One of our main reasons for homeschooling is that our families relationship and time together was more important than anything else. We socialize all day long with each other! What a great way to learn how to interact with other people!

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Michigan – here we come!

This is our first week long trip with our class A RV (and without a house). We took a weekend trip a few weeks ago and it helped prepare us :)!

We took the week preparing our bikes to go on the back of the RV. We originally planned on taking our car but we figured out less then two weeks before we left that our car can’t be easily towed behind the RV . . . that will have to be another post!

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