Beach RVing in Florida!

Camp Gulf by Destin, Florida! It was awesome!! Coming in December the weather can be cool – but we got really lucky and it was beautiful! At Bass Pro Shop they had a Christmas wonderland and I told myself we would save it for a rainy day. Guess what it NEVER rained – so we …

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Falls Creek State Park and Indianapolis

The last leg of our Tennessee trip had us going to Falls Creek State Park. I had heard great things about it but during my research I saw it was in the middle of nowhere! I mean nowhere!! I figured since we had been to 2 busy cities (Gatlinburg and Chattanooga) we could use the …

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First Full Week as a Full-time Traveling Family!

We finished our first week of full-time traveling! It was quite an experience! I’ll start at the beginning: We planned on leaving Friday night right after Craig was done with work – but by the time we got everything situated it was 8pm and Craig was working on hooking up our car to tow for the …

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Next phase of our Adventure!

We have reached the next step of our adventure! It feels so surreal! It has been 6 months since we moved out of our house. Our first stop was Jellystone RV resort for about 5 months (check it out here) and then we have been to Bong State Park in Kenosha, Wisconsin and then Illinois …

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5 months and moving on

So we are coming up on 5 months of being a Full Time RV family! It is crazy! Living in our house feels like a lifetime ago but then again it does not feel like we have been living at Jellystone for 5 months! We have learned so much as individuals and as a family. …

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Things you learn when downsizing and moving into an RV

Things you learn after moving into an RV Things I use to think I couldn’t live without: – Cable with DVR – to be able to watch what I wanted when I wanted – A dishwasher – A large washer and dryer – A large finished basement for a playroom – A garage – Multiple bedrooms …

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Roller Coaster Ride

To date this journey has been one roller coaster ride! The excitement around pursuing this amazing life has been crazy and fun and so exciting! Then on the other hand there have been lot’s of hard and emotional times. Don’t we all just wish we could go back to that pure bliss of excitement you …

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August 30th thru September 6th

Our week. We started the weekend off by celebrating Carson’s Birthday. One of the kids concerns when we left the house was how we were going to celebrate their birthdays. They were use to having huge birthday parties at our house so they weren’t sure how it was now going to work. We did Carson’s …

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Rainy Days in an RV

Rainy days in an RV can be interesting to say the least! The amount of space we have is limited and everyone likes to be close to me and each other – so it isn’t like people disappear to their bed to read a book or watch a movie by themselves yet (I know the …

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RV Laundry

Laundry, Laundry, Laundry . . . the never-ending task! With 6 people in the family we have a decent amount of laundry. At the house I had a really nice front loading washer and dryer. But it never felt like I could get caught up on the laundry! In the RV I have a mini Front Loading …

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