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15 Best Places For Apple Picking in Wisconsin In 2023

Apple Picking in Wisconsin is one of the best fall activities. Since the kids were babies we always try to get out in the fall to pick our own apples. Below we share our top pick and a few others we have researched and want to check out!

Mid-August is usually when prime apple season begins (but be sure to check below for details as some places don’t start until September). Check out our list of excellent Wisconsin apple orchards below and get out to pick some apples!

Southern Wisconsin

Southern Wisconsin is where a lot of the things to do and see in the state are concentrated. Because of this, the orchards in this part of the state are more plentiful, but they might also be a bit more crowded. 

Apple Barn Orchard And Winery

  • Located: Elkhorn, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Onsite winery
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for fruit, wine, and activities

A remote family farm located in the Turtle Valley, Apple Barn Orchard and Winery is a wonderful place to pick up some fruit. You’ll probably have to drive a bit to get to this location, so we recommend packing a picnic and making it a day. 

In addition to apples, the farm also grows strawberries which can be picked during the summer months. U-pick pumpkins from the onsite pumpkin patch are available alongside apples in the fall, and the winery produces award-winning fruit wines throughout the year. 

If you’re looking to make your visit to the orchard extra special, plan to visit during one of their special events! The famous red barn will not disappoint – Apple Barn Orchard and Winery is an excellent choice for fall fun.

Apple picking usually starts in mid-September.

Get more info here!

Oakwood Fruit Farm

Oakwood Fruit Farm apple picking Wisconsin
Image Source: Oakwood Fruit Farm website
  • Located: Richland Center, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Apple cider doughnuts
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for fruit, doughnuts, and other goods and activities. 

A historic fruit farm that has been operating since the early 1900s, Oakwood Fruit Farm has stuck around for a reason. Thanks to some seriously fertile soils, the orchard produces over 20 varieties of incredible Winsconsin apples. These include Zestar, Wealthy, and Royal Gala.

Other foods created on the farm include grass-fed beef, fresh apple cider, grapes, and other produce, so be sure to arrive ready to stock up in the farm store. 

As an added bonus, the folks at Oakwood Fruit Farm also make some of the best baked goods around. Their apple cider doughnuts are famous in the area, and people drive from many miles around to pick one up. Other delicious baked goods found onsite include fresh-baked bread, cinnamon rolls, pies, and more. 

Opening August 12th, 2023 for apple picking.

Get more info here!


  • Located: Fitchburg, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Horse-drawn hay rides
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for fruit and activities

Nothing says fall like plucking apples, picking pumpkins, and taking a horse-drawn hay ride. This is why so many people have made a fall visit to Eplegaarden a family tradition!

This farm offers all of the simple family fun you’d expect from such a place. In addition to the aforementioned wagon rides, there are also plenty of photo opportunities and a chance to befriend the farm goats. Baked goods, caramel apple treats, and fresh-pressed apple cider are available in the farm store, and wagons are available for carrying what you pick back to the car.

During your visit, be sure to be on the lookout for nods to the owners’ Norwegian heritage, including some trolls!

Expected to open August 12th – 19th for early season apples.

Get more info here!

Apple Holler

This is our top pick for where to go Apple Picking in Wisconsin! They have a large apple picking area, a play area, a restaurant and a big store to explore!

  • Located: Sturtevant, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Onsite Biergarten
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for fruit, food, and activities

Voted one of the top apple-picking locations in the country, Apple Holler is a must-see if you happen to be near Sturtevant! This is much more than just an apple orchard. Here you’ll find a variety of fresh fruits, a cafe, grill, biergarten, bakery, and country store.

In addition to apples in autumn, you can also visit Apple Holler to pick peaches beginning in July. Pear season is in September as well, meaning there’s almost always something good growing at this farm. 

In addition to all of the amazing eats at Apple Holler, you’ll also find plenty of fun activities such as mazes, animals, a bee exhibit, a slide, and more!

Open early August 2023!

Get more info here!

Munchkey Apples

  • Located: Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Laid-back experience
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for fruit and products

A newer orchard, Munchkey Apples, is conveniently located just outside of Madison. This makes it the perfect day trip destination for those who live in (or are visiting) the city and are looking for a little escape. 

While this is a smaller orchard, they manage to grow a good variety of apples. These include Blondee, Daybreak Fuji, Crimson Gold, Red, Gala, and others. The apple picking season kicks off in late August here and continues through September and October. 

In addition to apples, this farm also features some of the friendliest owners around and a store stocked with a variety of products, including fresh beef, honey, cider, wine, and Alapocas products. 

Opening Saturday, September 2nd 2023.

Get more info here!

Shihata’s Orchard

This orchard may be closed for 2023.

  • Located: Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Country Fun Park
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for fruit and activities

What started over half a century ago as a hobby farm has become a must-visit spot for many Wisconsin families and visitors. Yes, this is one of the best places in the state for family fun on a farm, and it isn’t just because of the lovely apples grown here. 

Besides apples, fall visitors will also be treated to a wonderful pumpkin patch, a bakery, a farm store, and the Country Fun Park! The Country Fun Park features a corn box for digging and playing, a giant spider web for climbing, a super fun tunnel slide, and plenty of yard games. 

If you’d like to add even more fun to your day, try to visit during the annual Orchard Fest, a fall festival that takes place over one weekend and adds live music and events into the mix.

Sunrise Orchards

Sunrise Orchards apple picking Wisconsin
Image Source: Sunrise Orchards website
  • Located: Gays Mills, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Gorgeous views
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for fruit

If you want to take in some amazing views while you pick apples, Sunrise Orchards is the place for you. Located in the Kickapoo Valley, this orchard is surrounded by stunning farmland, meaning you’ll be staring at picturesque scenery the whole time you’re there. 

Twenty-one varieties of apples are available at Sunrise Orchards. These include Jonamac, Gala, Wisconsin Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Lura Red, and Evercrisp. These aren’t all available at once. Instead, you’ll need to visit at different times throughout the “u-pick” season in order to try each one. 

One of the best things about this farm? The folks here actually welcome dogs, meaning you can bring your pup to pick with you! Be sure to take the kids to play yard games and run on the playground when you’re done. 

Opens August 14th, 2023!

Get more info here!

The Elegant Farmer

apple picking Wisconsin The Elegant Farmer
Image Source: The Elegant Farmer website
  • Located: Mukwonago, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Gourmet apple pie
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for fruit and products

Known for their incredible award-winning apple pie, The Elegant Farmer is another must-visit Wisconsin destination. Besides amazing pie, the farm also hosts a variety of awesome events throughout the year. 

Some of our favorite events include “All Things Cherry,” when a variety of cherry products made with Door County cherries can be purchased in the gift shop, and “Maple Fest,” when you can try local maple syrups on the farm. Of course, the Autumn Harvest Festival is the best event of the year!

The Autumn Harvest Festival takes place on Saturdays and Sundays, beginning in mid-September and running through late October. It includes apple-picking opportunities, a corn maze, hayrides, pony rides, and train rides. Treats such as apple cider, apple cider donuts, pulled pork, chili, and make-your-own caramel apples are also available. 

Only open Saturdays and Sundays for apple picking starting September 9th.

Get more info here!

Northern Wisconsin

The state’s northern half is the place to go if you wish to escape crowds. You might have to drive a bit further to find an apple orchard while in this half of Wisconsin, but the beauty you’ll see along the way makes driving a nice activity. 

Oneida Nation Apple Orchard

  • Located: Oneida, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Owned by the Oneida Nation 
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for fruit and products 

In 1994, the Oneida Nation people purchased this orchard in an effort to reclaim their lands. After this purchase, a number of crops (including 2,400 apple trees) were planted. It didn’t take long before this farm became one of the best places in the state to pick your own produce. 

Apple varieties grown here include Honey Gold, Cartland, and McIntosh, among others. Additionally, depending on the time of year, visitors might find strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, squash, corn, or pumpkins growing on this land. 

Because the people of the Oneida Nation aim to increase interest in agriculture, the fields full of crops and the apple tree orchard are open to families. 

Check their Facebook page below for information on when they are open:

Get more info here!

Maple Leaf Orchard

  • Located: Spring Valley, Wisconsin
  • Best known for Friendly staff
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for produce and products 

If you’re looking for some of the friendliest service around, you’ll definitely want to head to Maple Leaf Orchard. The folks here love what they do, and it really does show. Their produce is top-notch, and they are always happy to help customers (and take little visitors on wagon rides). 

The variety at this farm is incredible. Not only will you find plenty of amazing apples to pick, but by visiting during different parts of the year, you’ll also have the opportunity to pick berries of all sorts, grapes, pumpkins, and much more. 

In addition, to produce, this farm also sells fresh baked goods, maple syrup, applesauce, and a number of other wonderful things to eat. Be sure to check out their shop to see what treasures you can find!

Check their site for updates on when they are open and what you can pick:

Get more info here! 

Erickson Orchard

  • Located: Bayfield, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Commitment to environmental sustainability
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for produce and products 

Eco-conscious apple pickers will want to head to Erickson Orchard. The people working here do everything in their power to create environmental sustainability on their farms. 

These farmers use integrated pest management, meaning they use as few pesticides as possible, opting for natural ways of keeping pests at bay. Additionally, they have recently partnered with local beekeepers to add hives to their orchards and are now working on adding carefully selected plants in order to develop an ideal bee habitat. 

Besides pick-your-own apples, the farm also offers strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, pears, pumpkins, and a variety of vegetables. The year’s highlight at this farm is the Apple Festival, a three-day event featuring music, games, and plenty of apples and apple products! 

Picking starts in September.

Learn more here!

Pigeon River Orchard

  • Located: Sheboygan, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Apple cider
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for fruit and products 

Since opening in 1951, Pigeon River Orchard has become a favorite fall attraction for locals and tourists alike. In fact, it was even named one of the top 16 apple orchards in Wisconsin last year!

This Sheboygan farm offers six types of apple apples, a nice pumpkin patch, and a variety of sweets and treats. The favorite of these treats? The apple cider. Many claim this orchard makes the best apple cider in the state, and we tend to agree. Therefore, if you visit, you simply must try the cider! 

Yes, if you’ll be in Sheboygan during the fall, we definitely recommend adding this little orchard to your list of things to do!

Check their Facebook page for when they are open!

Get more info here!

Pleasant View Orchard and Bakery

  • Located: Niagara, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Baked goods
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for fruit and products 

Located way up north in Niagara, Pleasant View Orchard is worth the drive. This old-fashioned orchard is run by friendly people passionate about sharing good produce and baked goods with the world. 

There are over 20 varieties of apples grown here. Some favorites are the Gala, HoneyCrisp, and Sweet 16. The apple-picking season at this farm usually begins Labor Day Weekend and ends around Halloween. 

The apples at Pleasant View Orchard and Bakery are wonderful, yes. Many claim that the baked goods at this farm are even better. Some will even tell you these are the best baked goods in Northeastern Wisconsin. Be sure to pick up a few items so you can try them for yourself (don’t miss the signature “pie pocket”)!

Usually start picking around Labor Day. Check their Facebook page for details!

Get more info here!

Helene’s Hilltop Orchard LLC

apple picking Wisconsin Helenes Hilltop Orchard
Image Source: Helene’s Hilltop Orchard website
  • Located: Merrill, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Pies
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for fruit and products 

The folks at Helene’s Hilltop Orchard firmly believe that “the best food is what’s grown closest to you”—and if you live near Helene’s, that might just be the truth! This farm produces some seriously delicious apples, plump pumpkins, and various products. 

The “u-pick” season here is shorter and tends to run from mid-September to mid-October. However, it is worth the effort to make it during this time, as picking your own peck of apples is a magical experience. The best part? The pecks are sold at a flat rate, so you know how much you’ll be spending before you head out. 

As mentioned above, the onsite store at Helene’s Hilltop Orchard sells several tasty products. These include baked goods, cider, quiches, and more. 

Want to add to the fun? Visit the orchard during one of their community events!

Picking usually starts mid September. Check their Facebook page for dates and details.

Get more info here!

Choice Orchards

  • Located: Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
  • Best known for: Great Prices
  • Cost: Free to enter; fees for fruit and products 

Last on our list is Choice Orchards in Sturgeon Bay. This Door County orchard is known mostly for its cherries. That said, it’s also one of the best apple-picking spots in the area. 

The apples here are fantastic, and because most people think of it as a cherry-picking spot, you won’t have to deal with as many crowds while choosing the best apples from the trees. To top it all off, the prices for produce from this farm are some of the best out there!

In addition to fruit picking, visitors will appreciate the fun photo opportunities, the playground for kids, and the pine tree maze. The farm store is also fantastic, full of produce, gifts, housemade foods, and treats that you and your loved ones will adore.

Open September 1st. Check their Facebook page for when picking starts.

Get more info here!

Apple picking Wisconsin is one of our favorite fall activities. They are far from the only places to get fresh apples. Brightonwoods Orchard is one popular family-run apple farm that offers some of the best fruit but doesn’t offer a U-pick option. If you want some excellent fruit but don’t care as much about picking it yourself, this spot (or one of the many farm markets in the state) would be an excellent choice.

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Don't miss apple picking Wisconsin. Check out our top 15 Wisconsin apple orchards for fun picking your own fruit right off the tree!

Chelsea Gonzales

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