The Hardest Thing About Life On The Road

We knew it when we talked about hitting the road, we cried about it, we questioned it, and it is more than true. The hardest thing about life on the road is leaving your family and friends behind back home and then leaving friends that we make while on the road when we move on …

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Full-time Families Rally Time!!

We just got done with our 2nd Full-Time Family rally and it was amazing! Kimberly (who started and runs Fulltime Families) does an amazing job with making everyone feel welcome and planning out all of the activities for the week. There were 40 families here and over 100 kids. It is so cool to watch all …

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5 things I need when driving the Rig

We all need a little something to help us get from point A to point B.  Here are my top 5.  Let’s go!   5. Captain’s hat.  This is more of a primal instinct than a necessity and definitely the most important out of these 5.  I could go on and on about this one, …

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Impromptu Oil Change

So, we’re cruising down the *ahem* beautiful highway of West Virginia (no offense WV peeps), and all of a sudden my oil pressure drops really low and the light and buzzer on the dash start going off.  A few seconds later the pressure returned to a more normal number and light/buzzing stopped.  Whew!  I was …

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Our first Full-time Family Rally!

Not so new Friends, new Friends, Sunshine, Pool, and Happy Hour! Our first Fulltime Family Rally! Fulltime Families is a group of other families who are either currently traveling, plan on traveling, or have traveled. I have to say I was not prepared for the Chaos that was the rally or the 3pm Happy hour …

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Birthdays on the road!

Celebrating Melia and Cannon’s 5th Birthday in Florida! This is the first of our birthdays on the road. I was nervous about how the kids would react. Back home we always had big birthday parties with 25 plus kids and that is what the kids were used to. Leading up to their Birthday we talked …

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First Full Week as a Full-time Traveling Family!

We finished our first week of full-time traveling! It was quite an experience! I’ll start at the beginning: We planned on leaving Friday night right after Craig was done with work – but by the time we got everything situated it was 8pm and Craig was working on hooking up our car to tow for the …

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Things you learn when downsizing and moving into an RV

Things you learn after moving into an RV Things I use to think I couldn’t live without: – Cable with DVR – to be able to watch what I wanted when I wanted – A dishwasher – A large washer and dryer – A large finished basement for a playroom – A garage – Multiple bedrooms …

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Rainy Days in an RV

Rainy days in an RV can be interesting to say the least! The amount of space we have is limited and everyone likes to be close to me and each other – so it isn’t like people disappear to their bed to read a book or watch a movie by themselves yet (I know the …

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RV Laundry

Laundry, Laundry, Laundry . . . the never-ending task! With 6 people in the family we have a decent amount of laundry. At the house I had a really nice front loading washer and dryer. But it never felt like I could get caught up on the laundry! In the RV I have a mini Front Loading …

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Boondocking at Walmart

We left for Michigan on a Friday – after Craig got home from work. We planned on boondocking at a Walmart for Friday night. No Walmart is not a brushy area – but you get the idea! It actually works out really great! Almost all Walmart’s offer this service and all you have to do is …

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