Living The Dream

I wrote this post about 9 months ago and now I feel comfortable publishing it. While going from working-dad to full-time-travel-dad hasn’t been easy, it’s been the best decision I’ve ever made. I’m sitting at the airport waiting to board a flight back to Wisconsin and I’m looking around at all the other people and families …

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The Hardest Thing About Life On The Road

We knew it when we talked about hitting the road, we cried about it, we questioned it, and it is more than true. The hardest thing about life on the road is leaving your family and friends behind back home and then leaving friends that we make while on the road when we move on …

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New School Dad

So. You’re a new dad. Or maybe an old dad. Or maybe not even a dad yet, but your wife told you to read this. Well, awesome. All are welcome, this is a judgement-free zone. I wanted to talk a little about the shift in paradigm that fathers are going through. Remember back in the …

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How We Got Over Our Money Anxiety

When we share with people that we travel full time their first question (even if they don’t ask it) is usually how do you afford to do that?! Are you rich?! Let me answer that question right away – NO. We are not rich and we never have been rich in the sense of money. …

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Family Picture Time

When we were back home in Wisconsin in August we had the opportunity to have the amazing and talented Netasha Ruffolo of Ruffolo photography take our family picture! She has taken them for us in the past and they are always beautiful. It was nice to clean ourselves up a little bit, put on nice …

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Wishing my sister and her family a fun adventure

When we started planning on living this lifestyle we planned it with my Sister and her husband. Our original plan was to buy a duplex together and then travel for long stretches of the year together. After we took a RV trip for a couple of weeks we talked to them again about doing it …

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How travel has made our kids more adventurous and confident

Hitting the road has definitely made our kids more adventurous! Before we left we would go to a lot of museums and activities around our home town and the kids always had a good time. Carson use to have a fear of swimming in the ocean because he was afraid a shark was going to get …

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Broken bone while traveling

Any time a kid gets hurt, it is no fun. A broken bone while traveling is one of the worst-case scenarios. When it happens on the road there is an added element of worry since you are not familiar with the area, doctors, hospitals, etc. We were at the Shell Factory in Fort Meyers (a …

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Birthdays on the road!

Celebrating Melia and Cannon’s 5th Birthday in Florida! This is the first of our birthdays on the road. I was nervous about how the kids would react. Back home we always had big birthday parties with 25 plus kids and that is what the kids were used to. Leading up to their Birthday we talked …

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Reconnecting and Quality Time with the Kids

Parenting is supposed to be hard. I truly believe this and I am OK with that. We don’t want our kids to fit into these perfect little boxes that most of society thinks they should fit into. We want them to be who they are! Does this make life challenging – YES! Every single day …

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First Full Week as a Full-time Traveling Family!

We finished our first week of full-time traveling! It was quite an experience! I’ll start at the beginning: We planned on leaving Friday night right after Craig was done with work – but by the time we got everything situated it was 8pm and Craig was working on hooking up our car to tow for the …

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Next phase of our Adventure!

We have reached the next step of our adventure! It feels so surreal! It has been 6 months since we moved out of our house. Our first stop was Jellystone RV resort for about 5 months (check it out here) and then we have been to Bong State Park in Kenosha, Wisconsin and then Illinois …

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